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ACKNOWLEDGING ME "Breaking into the room"

Nerea Fiuza Mosquera

Project year: 


Integrated Project

recognizing me "Breaking into the room" is a personal project born from the need to break with the silence, with the obscurantism surrounding mental health, to talk about the obvious inheritance of depressive states. The project starts from my mother's depression, from my perspective, and ends up becoming a loop of revelations that make me aware of how her day to day affects mine, of the reality of my mental state, of my own obsessions and of my chances of existing in the resistance.

Photographs, text, sounds, moving images come together to create a message, a wake-up call, an alert; to give an explanation of what is happening inside me.

That message is aimed at the general public, with the goal of trying to express the experience of a person whose life revolves around a legacy of mental health neglected by the system. To loved ones, to whom one does not dare to reveal their secret. To herself, to alert her to what is happening inside her and to find the necessary tools to overcome, survive, resist. It is addressed to my mother, to make her even more aware and to tell her that we are fighting the monster together.

It is a message to be able to BE.

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