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Revelation 6, 1-8.

Manuel González Meijide

Project year: 


Integrated Project

Ap 6, 1-8 is a project in which the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are represented, with the intention of referencing the Blessed, as well as recovering a biblical theme that has not been treated much throughout the history of art. The project is also born from the fascination with Christian symbolism, the book of Revelation being the one most loaded with symbolic images.

There were two clear stages within the process, one of research and one of execution of the idea. In the first stage, a reading and analysis was made of the chapter and verses to which it refers, which would later become the title of the project. At this stage, both the colors and the attributes of each rider were analyzed, being the key narrative elements of the work. Sketches of the riders were also made and later made available as a set.

The second stage was dedicated to painting exclusively, in which the four canvases were painted at the same time so that there was no aesthetic disconnection between them. The technique used was oil because it is versatile and has a greater margin of error than others, also because it is the one in which the result of the idea could be developed better. The final result consists of four canvases of 120x80cm in vertical format although the work is conceived as a set, a single work.

Ap 6, 1-8 although it is not an illustration project as such, it was a good end to the cycle and a good start to the degree in Fine Arts, as well as a reaffirmation in painting which is what I really want to dedicate myself to.

Instagram: @mgm_arte_

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