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Access and registration
Access tests

Access and admission tests for the Professional Courses in Plastic Arts and Design 2024/25



Published on



List of second award of training cycles

Provisional list of first award of the specific access test

Definitive list of qualifications for the specific test for access

List of the first definitive award of secondary education cycles and Higher education cycles

Provisional list of qualifications for the specific test

List of awarding of middle-level training cycles and higher-level training cycles

Definitive list of qualifications for the substitute test for the degree requirement

Definitive list of people admitted and excluded for the performance of the specific access test

Provisional list of people admitted and excluded to take the specific test for access to Professional Artistic Education at Middle and Higher Level

Provisional list of qualifications for the substitute test for the degree requirement

Definitive list of those admitted to take the substitute test for the degree requirement

Provisional list of those admitted to take the substitute test for the degree requirement

Instructions for access and admission to professional art courses in Plastic Arts and Design


Attached is the Resolution of April 10, 2024, of the General Directorate of Vocational Training, by which instructions are given for the access and admission of students to the professional artistic teaching of Plastic Arts and Design for the 2024/25 academic year.

Places offered:
‍ Higher Degree Training Course in Photography: Total 15 places.
7 places with proof of access (of which 1 place is reserved for people who prove a disability equal to or greater than 33%) and 8 direct access places.

Higher Degree Training Course Illustration: Total 30 places.
15 places with proof of access (of which 2 places are reserved for people who prove a disability equal to or greater than 33%) and 15 direct access places.

Higher Degree Training Course in Artistic Cabinetmaking: Total 15 places.
7 places with proof of access (of which 1 place is reserved for people who prove a disability equal to or greater than 33%) and 8 direct access places.

The registration period for people who take the tests that replace the qualification requirements for the bachelor's degree is between April 23 and June 10, 2024 , both days included.
The registration deadline for people who only have to take the specific test (for middle-level training cycles and for higher-level training cycles) and for people who request access without tests is from April 23rd to April 21st of June 2024 , both included.

Registration for access and admission will be done electronically through the following link

Codex Pro

The high school substitute test will be held on June 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The specific access test will be held on July 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

General information and frequently asked questions - Photography
General information and frequently asked questions - Illustration
General information and frequently asked questions - Artistic Joinery

2020/21 baccalaureate substitute test
Specific test 2020/21


From the day after the publication in the DOG until June 10 ·
First registration deadline: students who request a substitute test for the degree requirement.
‍ June 12 · Publication of a provisional list of people admitted and excluded after the 1st registration period.
June 13 and 14 · Claim period against the provisional listing after the 1st registration period.
June 17 · Publication of the final list of people admitted and excluded after the 1st registration period
‍ From the day after the publication in the DOG until June 21 · Second registration deadline: students who meet the degree requirement
June 21 · Deadline for submission of applications that do not have to be accepted for the completion of the High School or ESO substitute test. Telematics or in the EASD.
June 25 ·
Publication of the provisional list of people admitted and excluded after the 2nd registration deadline
‍ June 26 and 27 · Complaint period against the provisional list of people admitted and excluded from the 2nd registration period
July 1 · Publication of the final list of people admitted and excluded in the 2nd registration period

June 19 ·
Substitute test for the degree requirement
June 25 · Publication of the provisional list of qualifications for the substitute test for the degree requirement
July 26 and 27 ·
Complaint period against the provisional list of qualifications for the substitution test of the degree requirement
July 1 · Publication of the definitive list of qualifications for the substitute test for the degree requirement
July 3 · Realization of the specific test
‍ July 8 · Publication of the provisional list of qualifications for the specific test
July 9 and 10 · Complaint period against the list of qualifications for the specific test
July 12 · Publication of the final list of qualifications for the specific test

July 8 ·
Publication of the provisional list of awards
‍ July 9 and 10 · Claims period for the award process
July 12 ·
Publication of the definitive list of place awards
July 15, 16 and 17 · 1st registration formalization period for the 2024/25 academic year
July 19 · Publication of the 2nd allocation of places
July 22 and 23 · 2nd registration formalization period for the 2024/25 academic year
Before September 2 · Publication of the 3rd allocation of places
September 2 and 3 · 3rd registration formalization period for the 2024/25 academic year
September 4 · Submission of the list of enrollments and vacancies to the DXFP

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Access and registration
Access tests

Access and admission tests for the Professional Courses in Plastic Arts and Design 2024/25

Update | List of second award of training cycles



List of second award of training cycles

Provisional list of first award of the specific access test

Definitive list of qualifications for the specific test for access

List of the first definitive award of secondary education cycles and Higher education cycles

Provisional list of qualifications for the specific test

List of awarding of middle-level training cycles and higher-level training cycles

Definitive list of qualifications for the substitute test for the degree requirement

Definitive list of people admitted and excluded for the performance of the specific access test

Provisional list of people admitted and excluded to take the specific test for access to Professional Artistic Education at Middle and Higher Level

Provisional list of qualifications for the substitute test for the degree requirement

Definitive list of those admitted to take the substitute test for the degree requirement

Provisional list of those admitted to take the substitute test for the degree requirement

Instructions for access and admission to professional art courses in Plastic Arts and Design


Attached is the Resolution of April 10, 2024, of the General Directorate of Vocational Training, by which instructions are given for the access and admission of students to the professional artistic teaching of Plastic Arts and Design for the 2024/25 academic year.

Places offered:
‍ Higher Degree Training Course in Photography: Total 15 places.
7 places with proof of access (of which 1 place is reserved for people who prove a disability equal to or greater than 33%) and 8 direct access places.

Higher Degree Training Course Illustration: Total 30 places.
15 places with proof of access (of which 2 places are reserved for people who prove a disability equal to or greater than 33%) and 15 direct access places.

Higher Degree Training Course in Artistic Cabinetmaking: Total 15 places.
7 places with proof of access (of which 1 place is reserved for people who prove a disability equal to or greater than 33%) and 8 direct access places.

The registration period for people who take the tests that replace the qualification requirements for the bachelor's degree is between April 23 and June 10, 2024 , both days included.
The registration deadline for people who only have to take the specific test (for middle-level training cycles and for higher-level training cycles) and for people who request access without tests is from April 23rd to April 21st of June 2024 , both included.

Registration for access and admission will be done electronically through the following link

Codex Pro

The high school substitute test will be held on June 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The specific access test will be held on July 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

General information and frequently asked questions - Photography
General information and frequently asked questions - Illustration
General information and frequently asked questions - Artistic Joinery

2020/21 baccalaureate substitute test
Specific test 2020/21


From the day after the publication in the DOG until June 10 ·
First registration deadline: students who request a substitute test for the degree requirement.
‍ June 12 · Publication of a provisional list of people admitted and excluded after the 1st registration period.
June 13 and 14 · Claim period against the provisional listing after the 1st registration period.
June 17 · Publication of the final list of people admitted and excluded after the 1st registration period
‍ From the day after the publication in the DOG until June 21 · Second registration deadline: students who meet the degree requirement
June 21 · Deadline for submission of applications that do not have to be accepted for the completion of the High School or ESO substitute test. Telematics or in the EASD.
June 25 ·
Publication of the provisional list of people admitted and excluded after the 2nd registration deadline
‍ June 26 and 27 · Complaint period against the provisional list of people admitted and excluded from the 2nd registration period
July 1 · Publication of the final list of people admitted and excluded in the 2nd registration period

June 19 ·
Substitute test for the degree requirement
June 25 · Publication of the provisional list of qualifications for the substitute test for the degree requirement
July 26 and 27 ·
Complaint period against the provisional list of qualifications for the substitution test of the degree requirement
July 1 · Publication of the definitive list of qualifications for the substitute test for the degree requirement
July 3 · Realization of the specific test
‍ July 8 · Publication of the provisional list of qualifications for the specific test
July 9 and 10 · Complaint period against the list of qualifications for the specific test
July 12 · Publication of the final list of qualifications for the specific test

July 8 ·
Publication of the provisional list of awards
‍ July 9 and 10 · Claims period for the award process
July 12 ·
Publication of the definitive list of place awards
July 15, 16 and 17 · 1st registration formalization period for the 2024/25 academic year
July 19 · Publication of the 2nd allocation of places
July 22 and 23 · 2nd registration formalization period for the 2024/25 academic year
Before September 2 · Publication of the 3rd allocation of places
September 2 and 3 · 3rd registration formalization period for the 2024/25 academic year
September 4 · Submission of the list of enrollments and vacancies to the DXFP

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