Avalon is an RPG video game that tells the story of a fantasy world created by Jóel Gómez Cendón, based on the conflict between Urian, king of angels, and a major threat that will make the characters go through all kinds of adventures to save the reality they know .
In this case, three characters were drawn: Urian, the main protagonist, Dante, master of all magic; and Kouri, guardian of the Void. The main objective of the project was to visually capture the different aspects of this fictional world, with special emphasis on the details of the characters and their characterization. To this end, various reference sheets have been created, both in terms of the expressions of the characters (in order to facilitate the understanding of their personalities) and props and clothing. Efforts have been made to provide all possible information on materials and textures, leading to the creation of additional materials in some cases to explain the operation of the suits.
In addition, environmental concept arts were present, allowing for a more solid perception of the fantasy world and its appearance to ensure a complete overview.