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Access and registration
Access tests

Extraordinary access tests for Photography and Artistic Cabinetry. Course 2024-2025.



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Definitive list of qualifications for the access test and allocation of places

Provisional list of qualifications for the access test and allocation of places

Definitive list of registrations for extraordinary tests

Provisional list of registrations for extraordinary tests


EASD Antonio Faílde offers 9 new places for the Higher Degree Training Course in Photography and 3 places for the Higher Degree Training Course in Artistic Cabinetmaking .

Registration open for September 2 and 3 at the school office.


September 2 and 3 : Registration at the school office.

September 4 : Publication of the provisional list of those admitted to taking the tests.

September 5 : Appeal to the provisional list of admitted.

September 6 : Complaint to the listing until 2:00 p.m. and publication of the final list.

September 9 : Performance of the specific access tests.

    · 1st exercise: from 10.00 to 11.00 h.
· 2nd exercise: from 12.00 to 14.00 h.
· 3rd exercise: from 17.00 to 19.00 h.

September 10 : Publication of the provisional list of qualifications and allocation of places.

September 11th : Appeal to the provisional list of qualifications and allocation of places.

September 12 : Appeal to the provisional list until 2:00 p.m. and publication of the final list.

September 13 : Registration.

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Access and registration
Access tests

Extraordinary access tests for Photography and Artistic Cabinetry. Course 2024-2025.

Update | Definitive list of qualifications of the access test and allocation of places



Definitive list of qualifications for the access test and allocation of places

Provisional list of qualifications for the access test and allocation of places

Definitive list of registrations for extraordinary tests

Provisional list of registrations for extraordinary tests


EASD Antonio Faílde offers 9 new places for the Higher Degree Training Course in Photography and 3 places for the Higher Degree Training Course in Artistic Cabinetmaking .

Registration open for September 2 and 3 at the school office.


September 2 and 3 : Registration at the school office.

September 4 : Publication of the provisional list of those admitted to taking the tests.

September 5 : Appeal to the provisional list of admitted.

September 6 : Complaint to the listing until 2:00 p.m. and publication of the final list.

September 9 : Performance of the specific access tests.

    · 1st exercise: from 10.00 to 11.00 h.
· 2nd exercise: from 12.00 to 14.00 h.
· 3rd exercise: from 17.00 to 19.00 h.

September 10 : Publication of the provisional list of qualifications and allocation of places.

September 11th : Appeal to the provisional list of qualifications and allocation of places.

September 12 : Appeal to the provisional list until 2:00 p.m. and publication of the final list.

September 13 : Registration.

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