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Awards of the Youth Create 2024 program



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The awards of the Youth Create program have been announced and they will proceed with their call for the year 2024.

With the awards of the Youth Create program, it is about favoring the creative work of Galician youth, with the aim of encouraging creative activity, facilitating their promotion and the dissemination of their work in the specialties of plastic arts, urban art, comics, cooking, content creation , video game creation, modern dance, jewelry design, DJ (disc jockey), photography, fashion, music, short novel, poetry, theater and video creation.

The following prizes are established for each of the specialties:
· A first prize of €2,000 .
· A second prize of €1,500 .
· A third prize of €1,000 .

Applications will preferably be submitted electronically using the standard form available at the Xunta de Galicia electronic headquarters (annex I).

The deadline for submitting applications will be one month , counted from the day following the publication of this order in the Official Gazette of Galicia.

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Awards of the Youth Create 2024 program

The deadline for submission of applications for the Juventude Crea awards is open


The awards of the Youth Create program have been announced and they will proceed with their call for the year 2024.

With the awards of the Youth Create program, it is about favoring the creative work of Galician youth, with the aim of encouraging creative activity, facilitating their promotion and the dissemination of their work in the specialties of plastic arts, urban art, comics, cooking, content creation , video game creation, modern dance, jewelry design, DJ (disc jockey), photography, fashion, music, short novel, poetry, theater and video creation.

The following prizes are established for each of the specialties:
· A first prize of €2,000 .
· A second prize of €1,500 .
· A third prize of €1,000 .

Applications will preferably be submitted electronically using the standard form available at the Xunta de Galicia electronic headquarters (annex I).

The deadline for submitting applications will be one month , counted from the day following the publication of this order in the Official Gazette of Galicia.

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